Mini wifi spy camera

Definition and description

front page Mini wifi spy camera is a wireless monitoring device that uses wifi. In contrast to the spy camera recording, it stores the recording directly on a computer, tablet or smartphone. Note that on these will need to be installed an IP camera application for real-time viewing of images to be possible. In addition, this kind of camera, because of its small size, can be mounted on ordinary objects: pens, alarm clocks, glasses, clock etc. 


Small in size, it's a Camera very manipulable. It can be placed in various places. Its installation is all the easier because it is wireless.  Equipped with wifi technology, it reaches a range more or less variable depending on the quality of the network. If necessary, this spy camera can be associated with equipment such as night vision, microphone or motion sensor.


From the outset, it is used to monitor a person discreetly. This wifi spy camera can also record a person being tracked. It all depends on the support that is attributed to it. It can therefore take the form of a wifi spy bezel or a wifi spy camera pen. But these are only its most classic forms.

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