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Where to place the babyphone?

Respect a distance to protect the baby from electromagnetic waves

The location of the babyphone is very important because of the waves emitted by the device. Take the necessary precautions during the installation to avoid adverse consequences on your baby's health.

You can't place the babyphone anywhere for your child's safety. This device emits electromagnetic waves that can be harmful to the baby. The location will depend on the configuration of the room. For a spacious room, it is safer to place the device three metres from the child's bed. If the room is rather small, it is necessary to take at least a distance of one meter.


Consider the quality of other features

You have multiple choices about the location of the babyphone. You can put it on a table of sufficient height or hang it on a wall. You just need to make sure that the required distance is respected. In addition, it should be noted that the closer one gets to the source, the more significant the intensity of the magnetic waves emitted. 

Research has shown that analog babyphones pose less risk to your baby. Indeed, compared to other types of baby listening, this type of device transmits much less waves. It is therefore recommended to opt for this type of material to better protect the baby. It is also advisable to use low-range babyphones using vox or eco mode. Keep in mind that wi-fi devices are also bad for your baby.