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Is it important to choose a dashcam with a wide angle of view?

You are about to buy a dashcam? And you want to know if it hasngle view device is an important setting? Depending on the model, your dashcam will have a more or less wide recording angle. What are the benefits of wide-angle dashcam ? All of this is explained below.


What are the different angles of view of a dashcam?

Depending on the model and brand, a dashcam will have a more or less wide angle of view. In general, a classic dashcam has a viewing angle between 120 and 180 degrees. For example, a device with a field of view of 120 degrees will essentially film what is happening directly in front of your vehicle. With a dashcam with a 180-degree viewing angle, you can observe events from the front sides to the sidewalks.

As an indication, a dashcam with an angle of view of 160 degrees is ranked in the average. However, some models of on-board cameras offer viewing angles of up to 190 degrees.

A wide viewing angle will be very advantageous for you if you don't want to miss a beat. In sudden and brutal accidents or minor collisions, a dashcam will make it easier for you to find out.