What is the motion detector for on a dashcam?
The dashcam Yes on-board camera is one of the best allies of drivers. This device can be used to record what is happening inside and outside a vehicle (depending on the model). This allows motorists to provide evidence on the circumstances of an accident. They will also be able to confirm cases of hit-and-run. This camera also has a motion detector.
The motion detector: what is it and how does it work?
The motion detector Yes G-Sensor is a element built into an on-board camera. It is activated in the device's settings by adjusting it to the "walk" status. It has 3 levels of sensitivity. The G-Sensor activates when the dashcam is turned on. This element of the camera works using the principle of accelerometer. This gives it the ability to perceive accelerations, shocks and stops. Even with the engine shut down, the motion detector can still work and can film acts of vandalism and/or accidents. It can also be made discreet with the Backlight option.
The benefits of a motion detector
Without this element, on-board cameras would lose all their meaning. The device activates the recording of the camera as soon as there is movement around the vehicle. When its Backlight option is activated, the camera screen appears to be off, making it invisible. It becomes thus Undetectable. If someone tries to steal or touch your car, thanks to the motion sensor, you will have the image of the incident recorded in the camera's internal memory card.
If dashcams record in a loop and delete old files by backing up new ones. The motion sensor protects important data by placing an inviolable security padlock on it. This detector protects recordings made as a result of a shock, speed acceleration or unusual movements..