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How to choose a hunting camera?

there hunting camera is a device equipped to filming and monitoring animals during hunting or nature. The choice is based on 9 criteria.


Trigger speed: 

The most popular devices are those that have a trigger speed less than a second. This time is enough to get the desired shot.


The sensor:

Sensor performance is very important. Choose your hunting camera with a sensor of at least 12MP to ensure quality images.


Night vision:

The hunting camera night vision is able to film day and night. It is equipped with an infrared device with invisible black Led.



A good hunting camera should have Suitable fixing to all constraints.


The LCD screen:

The modern hunting camera is equipped withLCD screen about 2.4 inches. You can adjust everything and control all the features.



A good camera should have a great autonomy energy. 4 batteries for 3 months are an excellent performance. The 8-battery models offer 6 months of battery life.



The device is used outdoors and is exposed to inclement weather. Opt for the one with the IP66 certification authenticating waterproofing.


The memory card:

The hunting camera has a slot for an SD card to keep the images scanned. front page 32GB memory card is recommended.


The price:

Connoisseurs are unanimous in recognizing that hunting camera high quality is offered, excluding promotion, from 120 euros.